
B. Eng. Maschinenbau + Mechatroniker (m/w/d) - Duales Studium

KHS Group  |  Worms | Technik | High-school students



KHS ist ein Tochterunternehmen der Salzgitter AG. Als einer der weltweit führenden Hersteller von Abfüll- und Verpackungsanlagen in den Bereichen Getränke und flüssige Lebensmittel spielen wir in der Weltklasse. Seit über 150 Jahren schaffen wir regelmäßig wegweisende Technologien. Doch weltklasse bleiben wir nur, wenn wir für unser großes KHS-Team immer wieder Leute finden, die so ticken wie wir. Wenn du also Leidenschaft, Anspruch und Teamgeist mitbringst, dann freuen wir uns auf deine Bewerbung!

Du begeisterst dich für Technik, Informatik und Mathematik? Dann bewirb dich bei uns für ein duales Studium. Für das duale Studium Elektrotechnik/Maschinenbau/Mechatronik arbeiten wir mit verschiedenen Partnerschulen zusammen und bieten daher verschiedene Varianten und Modelle an. Unsere Partnerschulen sind die TH Bingen, die DHBW Mannheim und die Hochschule RheinMain. Im Zuge des Bewerbungsverfahrens stellen wir dir sämtliche Modelle vor, um gemeinsam das Modell zu finden, das perfekt zu dir und KHS  passt. Daher möchten wir gemeinsam mit dir herausfinden, ob ein ausbildungsintegrierendes (AI), praxisintegrierendes (PI) oder ein berufsintegrierendes (BI) Studium in 6, 7 oder 8 Semestern sinnvoll ist.

Bei uns lernst du alles über Automatisierungs-,  Informations- sowie Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik und auch, worauf es beim Projektmanagement und Maschinenbau ankommt. Durch dich werden unsere Maschinen zum Leben erweckt! Du wirst von Beginn an in praktische Prozesse eingebunden und kannst die erlernte Theorie in realen Projekten vertiefen. Du arbeitest mal allein und mal im Team, heute in Deutschland, morgen vielleicht woanders in der Welt.

Deine Aufgaben

  • Du erarbeitest dir eine solide theoretische Basis der mathematischen, mechanischen und physikalischen Grundlagen
  • Hinzu kommt ein spezifisches Wissen in den Vertiefungsrichtungen Konstruktion, CAD und Industrial Engineering
  • Ein starker Bezug zur Praxis bereitet dich auf den späteren Beruf vor
  • Dir werden wichtige Soft-Skills und Management-Grundkenntnisse vermittelt
  • Das Aufbauen von mechanischen und pneumatischen Systemen gehört bald zu deinem Alltag
  • Das Entwickeln und Konstruieren von mechatronischen Systemen unter Berücksichtigung der Fertigungskosten sind Teil deiner Aufgaben
  • In der Konstruktion lernst du die Unterschiede zwischen Prototypenfertigung und Serienfertigung kennen
  • Kommunikation in Englisch sollte für dich am Ende der Ausbildung selbstverständlich sein

Dein Profil

  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Interesse an technischen Aufgabenstellungen
  • Engagement, eine schnelle Auffassungsgabe und Offenheit für neue Herausforderungen
  • Flexibilität, Eigeninitiative und Teamfähigkeit
  • Gute Kenntnisse in Mathematik, Physik, Deutsch und Englisch

Unser Angebot

  • Job mit Zukunft
  • Internationales Arbeitsumfeld
  • Attraktive Vergütung auf Basis der Tarifverträge der Metall- und Elektroindustrie
  • Up to date durch Weiterbildung!

Willst auch du Teil eines weltklasse Teams werden? Dann bewirb dich jetzt! Wir freuen uns darauf, dich kennenzulernen.

Bewerbungsunterlagen für den Ausbildungsstart in 2025 reichst du bitte möglichst bis zum 31.03.2025 online ein!

Apply now

Contact Person

Leon Stierling
Personalmanagement Süd
06247 97-3408

Why KHS?

KHS is a global manufacturer of filling and packaging systems. With around 5,000 employees and KHS sites in over 40 countries we play a leading role in the industry. We always focus on quality, customer orientation, sustainability and reliability – and have done for over 150 years.

In order to ensure our success in the future, too, we need first-class employees – and we also have plenty to offer them.

Your Benefits


Technologies in more than 180 countries


Technologies in more than 180 countries

Our lines and machines and our personnel can be found in over 180 countries on all continents of the world. This makes KHS a truly global company.

Would you like to see some of the people behind KHS?
This video offers a brief look at our international team.


A number of world records


A number of world records

As one of the leading companies in our branch of industry we set new standards for many technical systems and often break records in the process. For example, we have developed what is currently the lightest 0.5-liter PET screw-top bottle for carbonated beverages in the world, weighing in at just 9.9 grams, and have one of the world’s most powerful can fillers with a capacity of up to 132,000 cans per hour.


Digital pioneer


Digital pioneer

Our aim is to ensure that our customers can exploit all the benefits of digital advance. Here, the digitalization of system solutions plays a major role – from 3D line design through IT systems for the production process to intelligent (remote) maintenance concepts. Many sections of our own (production) processes are now also digitalized and we work with cutting-edge procedures – whether in the manufacture of parts, in assembly or in the virtual commissioning of machines.


World-famous products


World-famous products

Almost everyone has held a product filled and packaged with the help of KHS machines in their hand at one time or another as we work with many international brands, among them Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Heineken and AB InBev. We also count many traditional German brands among our customers, such as Krombacher, Granini and Bitburger.

Watch a sample video of our collaboration with Coca-Cola here.


Sustainability champion


Sustainability champion

As an industrial company we have a great responsibility towards our environment. We therefore attach especially great importance to the development of sustainable systems and solutions and to environmentally-friendly production. Many of our technologies are thus particularly kind to the climate – and gentle on the use of energy and raw materials. Moreover, our adhesive Nature MultiPack™ system even holds beverage containers together without the need for any plastic film whatsoever.

Numerous certifications and awards also illustrate that we take climate protection seriously.

Curious? Discover here how we do it.

Would you like to learn more about our contribution to sustainability? You can read our sustainability report here.




Industry with a future


Industry with a future

KHS works in an industry that has a very bright future. Innovative filling and packaging systems are naturally very much in demand when it comes to supplying a growing world population. We also specifically invest in future-oriented issues such as sustainability and digitalization.


International working environment


International working environment

Welcome to the entire world! As an international company KHS provides many opportunities for you to prove yourself in various fields and at a multitude of locations worldwide. We not only have production sites in Germany but also in the USA, China, India, Mexico and Brazil. In addition, our KHS offices in over 40 countries around the globe are open to employees in our sales or service departments.

Our apprentices can gain work experience outside Germany early on, too – for example by joining international installation site assignments – and explore the world while doing so!





We support our employees with various courses and campaigns run as part of our company's health management program, including:

  • KHS health action days
  • Cooperation with fitness studios
  • Exercise classes for backs or massages
  • Company runs
  • Company medical officers
  • Canteens offering balanced meals
  • Cooperation with health insurance companies and bonus programs.


Flexible working hours


Flexible working hours

So that work is even more fun, you must be able to adapt it to fit in with your private life – in part at least. This is why we offer flextime models depending on your area of work. Following an initial period in our training workshop, this also applies to our apprentices.





We want you to get off to a good start. To help ease your way into the world of work KHS offers its apprentices an extensive initiation program. You and all of the other new trainees and dual work-study students from all the KHS sites in Germany meet for a joint freshers’ week. Here, you can get to know your new colleagues and learn a lot about KHS and your areas of responsibility.

Each apprentice or work-study student is also assigned a direct contact who is responsible for him or her.


Attractive salary


Attractive salary

It’s great when you enjoy your job and the money’s good! Our employees therefore receive an attractive salary – whether they’re on the regular pay scale or not. At KHS the respective collective wage agreements of the metal and electrical industry apply.


Pension plan


Pension plan

OK, so you’re not thinking about your retirement just yet! Nevertheless, this will become important later in life. You can thus make your own contribution to your later financial situation through our company pension program. Here, a percentage of your salary is invested in payments for your retirement and additionally topped up.


Help preparing for exams


Help preparing for exams

Learning made easy: so that our apprentices are well prepared for their final exams, we give them plenty of support with study and revision.
One of our trainees reports here on his day-to-day work at KHS and how he supports other trainees.

Read the job report here


Responsible right from the start


Responsible right from the start

During your apprenticeship or dual work-study program you spend time in many different departments and thus gain a detailed insight into the world of KHS. You also assume responsibility right from the start. The focus is always on your personal further development in your specialist field. This enables you to apply your theoretical knowledge in practice from the very beginning.
Have we aroused your curiosity? One of our dual work-study students reports here on her experience at KHS in combination with her student life.

Read the job report here


Knowledge and study


Knowledge and study

Another course of study?! Of course – why not? We want everyone to make the best of themselves. We thus support our employees with holistic basic and further training concepts ranging from elementary courses to specialist lectures. Our in-house KHS campus academy is a platform that provides a whole range of study options. We also offer our apprentices many other exciting opportunities, such as safe driver courses or visits to breweries. In this way we create general conditions for our employees to gain valuable knowledge and practical experience – with the clear perspective of being able to contribute this specifically both today and in the future.
Overview of our key figures for further training from 2020:

  • 436 in-house further training courses
  • 6,216 personnel development measures
  • 2,634 trained employees


Extra benefits


Extra benefits

We also offer a lot more: we provide various extra benefits to make work for our employees as pleasant as possible. These include, for instance:

  • Christmas bonus and vacation pay for regular tariff employees, staggered according to their years of service for the company
  • Canteens at all production sites (providing balanced, healthy meals)
  • Employee discounts (for example at local cycle stores).

We take our social responsibility as an employer seriously. We therefore take part in the cycle to work campaign, for instance, or organize donations at Christmas time.

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Site Worms in brief





Average years of service with the company

19 years

Company premises

119,051 m2



Product portfolio


KHS GmbH Enzingerstrasse 139 | 67551 Worms | Germany

World-class jobs