KHS ist ein global agierender Hersteller von Abfüll- und Verpackungsanlagen. Mit ca. 5.400 Mitarbeitern und KHS-Standorten in über 40 Ländern nehmen wir eine führende Stellung in der Branche ein. Dabei stehen Qualität, Kundenorientierung, Nachhaltigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit immer im Fokus – und das seit über 150 Jahren. Dass wir heute so erfolgreich sind, verdanken wir vor allem den Menschen, die bei uns arbeiten. Damit wir auch in Zukunft weltklasse bleiben, brauchen wir immer wieder Verstärkung.
Ab sofort suchen wir für unseren Standort Bad Kreuznach einen Leiter Qualitätsmanagement (m/w/d).
Contact Person
Steffen Arndt
Personalmanagement Süd
KHS is a global manufacturer of filling and packaging systems. With around 5,000 employees and KHS sites in over 40 countries we play a leading role in the industry. We always focus on quality, customer orientation, sustainability and reliability – and have done for over 150 years.
In order to ensure our success in the future, too, we need first-class employees – and we also have plenty to offer them.
Technologies in more than 180 countries
A number of world records
A number of world records
As an industry leader we set new standards for many technical systems and often break records in the process. For example, we have developed what is currently the lightest 0.5-liter PET screw-top bottle for carbonated beverages in the world, weighing in at just 9.9 grams, and have one of the world’s most powerful can fillers with a capacity of up to 132,000 cans per hour.
Miraculously durable
Miraculously durable
KHS machines are famous for their long service lives. This of course lies in the quality of our plant engineering but also in our good maintenance service and the future viability built into our lines and machines right from the start. All of this means that across the world not only are there many relatively new KHS machines in operation but also systems which have been up and running for several decades. And this, too, makes us proud.
Digital pioneer
Digital pioneer
Our aim is to ensure that our customers can exploit all the benefits of digital advance. Here, the digitalization of system solutions plays a major role – from 3D line design through IT systems for the production process to intelligent (remote) maintenance concepts. Many sections of our own (production) processes are now also digitalized and we work with cutting-edge procedures – whether in the manufacture of parts, in assembly or in the virtual commissioning of machines.
Sustainability champion
Sustainability champion
As an industrial company we have a great responsibility towards our environment. We therefore attach particular importance to the development of sustainable systems and solutions and to environmentally-friendly production. Many of our technologies are thus particularly kind to the climate – and gentle on the use of energy and raw materials.
Curious? Discover here how we do it.
Numerous certifications and awards also illustrate that our drive for greater sustainability is an established practice at KHS.
Would you like to learn more about our contribution to sustainability? You can read our sustainability report here.
Industry with a future
Industry with a future
KHS works in an industry that has a very bright future. Innovative filling and packaging systems are a steadily growing market when it comes to supplying an increasing world population. We also specifically invest in future-oriented issues such as sustainability and digitalization.
Family friendly
Family friendly
We know that it is not always easy to reconcile work and the family. We therefore try to help our employees as best we can here. Following a period of parental leave we offer flexible working hours, for example. Employees on parental leave can also attend information days and further training events to make their return to work as smooth as possible.
We support our employees with various courses and campaigns run as part of our company's health management program, including:
Extra benefits
Extra benefits
We provide various extra benefits to make work for our employees as pleasant as possible. These include, for instance:
We at KHS take our social responsibility as an employer seriously. We therefore take part in the cycle to work campaign, for instance, or organize donations at Christmas time.
Safety and risk prevention
Safety and risk prevention
The safety of our employees is our top priority. This is why occupational health and safety measures are extremely important in our company. Furthermore, depending on the employment relationship KHS offers its personnel good risk coverage with special international health, life, occupational disability and accident insurance and a special travel safety service.
International working environment
International working environment
As a global company KHS provides many opportunities for employees to prove themselves in various fields and at a multitude of locations worldwide. We not only have production sites in Germany but also in the USA, China, India, Mexico and Brazil. In addition, our KHS offices in over 40 countries around the globe are open to employees in our sales or service departments.
Knowledge and study
Knowledge and study
At KHS we believe in lifelong learning. We thus find it important to support each and every employee as best we can – with holistic basic and further training concepts ranging from elementary courses to specialist lectures. Our in-house KHS campus academy is a platform that provides a whole range of study options. In addition, we specifically train employees with managerial responsibilities in our Fit4Leadership program.
Technologies in more than 180 countries
A number of world records
A number of world records
As an industry leader we set new standards for many technical systems and often break records in the process. For example, we have developed what is currently the lightest 0.5-liter PET screw-top bottle for carbonated beverages in the world, weighing in at just 9.9 grams, and have one of the world’s most powerful can fillers with a capacity of up to 132,000 cans per hour.
Miraculously durable
Miraculously durable
KHS machines are famous for their long service lives. This of course lies in the quality of our plant engineering but also in our good maintenance service and the future viability built into our lines and machines right from the start. All of this means that across the world not only are there many relatively new KHS machines in operation but also systems which have been up and running for several decades. And this, too, makes us proud.
Digital pioneer
Digital pioneer
Our aim is to ensure that our customers can exploit all the benefits of digital advance. Here, the digitalization of system solutions plays a major role – from 3D line design through IT systems for the production process to intelligent (remote) maintenance concepts. Many sections of our own (production) processes are now also digitalized and we work with cutting-edge procedures – whether in the manufacture of parts, in assembly or in the virtual commissioning of machines.
Sustainability champion
Sustainability champion
As an industrial company we have a great responsibility towards our environment. We therefore attach particular importance to the development of sustainable systems and solutions and to environmentally-friendly production. Many of our technologies are thus particularly kind to the climate – and gentle on the use of energy and raw materials.
Curious? Discover here how we do it.
Numerous certifications and awards also illustrate that our drive for greater sustainability is an established practice at KHS.
Would you like to learn more about our contribution to sustainability? You can read our sustainability report here.
Industry with a future
Industry with a future
KHS works in an industry that has a very bright future. Innovative filling and packaging systems are a steadily growing market when it comes to supplying an increasing world population. We also specifically invest in future-oriented issues such as sustainability and digitalization.
Family friendly
Family friendly
We know that it is not always easy to reconcile work and the family. We therefore try to help our employees as best we can here. Following a period of parental leave we offer flexible working hours, for example. Employees on parental leave can also attend information days and further training events to make their return to work as smooth as possible.
We support our employees with various courses and campaigns run as part of our company's health management program, including:
Extra benefits
Extra benefits
We provide various extra benefits to make work for our employees as pleasant as possible. These include, for instance:
We at KHS take our social responsibility as an employer seriously. We therefore take part in the cycle to work campaign, for instance, or organize donations at Christmas time.
Safety and risk prevention
Safety and risk prevention
The safety of our employees is our top priority. This is why occupational health and safety measures are extremely important in our company. Furthermore, depending on the employment relationship KHS offers its personnel good risk coverage with special international health, life, occupational disability and accident insurance and a special travel safety service.
International working environment
International working environment
As a global company KHS provides many opportunities for employees to prove themselves in various fields and at a multitude of locations worldwide. We not only have production sites in Germany but also in the USA, China, India, Mexico and Brazil. In addition, our KHS offices in over 40 countries around the globe are open to employees in our sales or service departments.
Knowledge and study
Knowledge and study
At KHS we believe in lifelong learning. We thus find it important to support each and every employee as best we can – with holistic basic and further training concepts ranging from elementary courses to specialist lectures. Our in-house KHS campus academy is a platform that provides a whole range of study options. In addition, we specifically train employees with managerial responsibilities in our Fit4Leadership program.
Average years of service with the company
15 years
Company premises
115,916 m2
Product portfolio
(Aseptic) fillers, Process engineering, Keg technology
KHS GmbH Planiger Strasse 139-147 | 55543 Bad Kreuznach | Germany