
Werkstudent im Projekteinkauf (m/w/d)

KHS Group  |  Dortmund | Einkauf / Beschaffung | Students



KHS ist ein Tochterunternehmen der Salzgitter AG. Als einer der weltweit führenden Hersteller von Abfüll- und Verpackungsanlagen in den Bereichen Getränke und flüssige Lebensmittel spielen wir in der Weltklasse. Seit über 150 Jahren vertrauen unsere Kunden auf unseren leidenschaftlichen Pioniergeist und unsere erstklassigen Technologien. Doch weltklasse bleiben wir nur, wenn wir immer wieder Mitarbeitende finden, die genauso hohe Anforderungen an sich und die Qualität ihrer Arbeit stellen wie unsere Kunden an KHS. Bist Du einer davon?

Wir suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt für ca. 19 Wochenstunden für unseren Standort Dortmund einen Werkstudenten (m/w/d) im Projekteinkauf.


Deine Aufgaben

  • Unterstützung in der Bearbeitung von Einkaufsvorgängen im Bereich „Projekte und Dienstleistungen"
  • Vorbereitung und Mitwirkung bei der Durchführung von Ausschreibungen, Verhandlungen und Vergaben
  • Marktanalysen, Auswertungen und Recherchen
  • Datenpflege in den betreffenden EDV-Systemen

Dein Profil

  • Studium im Bereich Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Ingenieurswissenschaften, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen oder einem vergleichbaren Studiengang
  • gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
  • EDV-Kenntnisse (MS-Office)
  • Selbstständige, strukturierte und lösungsorientierte Arbeitsweise
  • Ausgeprägte Kommunikationskompetenz, sowie gute Teamfähigkeit und ein selbstbewusstes Auftreten

Unser Angebot

  • Große Lernchancen in einem dynamischen, internationalen Umfeld 
  • Hoher Grad an (Eigen-)Verantwortung 
  • Verantwortungsvolle Betreuung und Einarbeitung
  • Vorzüge einer tariflichen Vergütung
Apply now

Contact Person

Franziska Gietmann
+49 (0) 2821 503-489

Why KHS?

KHS is a global manufacturer of filling and packaging systems. With around 5,000 employees and KHS sites in over 40 countries we play a leading role in the industry. We always focus on quality, customer orientation, sustainability and reliability – and have done for over 150 years.

In order to ensure our success in the future, too, we need first-class employees – and we also have plenty to offer them.

Your Benefits


Technologies in more than 180 countries


Technologies in more than 180 countries

Our lines and machines and our personnel can be found in over 180 countries on all continents of the world. This makes KHS a truly global company. 

Would you like to see some of the people behind KHS?
This video offers a brief look at our international team.


A number of world records


A number of world records

As an industry leader we set new standards for many technical systems and often break records in the process. For example, we have developed what is currently the lightest 0.5-liter PET screw-top bottle for carbonated beverages in the world, weighing in at just 9.9 grams, and have one of the world’s most powerful can fillers with a capacity of up to 132,000 cans per hour.


Miraculously durable


Miraculously durable

KHS machines are famous for their long service lives. This of course lies in the quality of our plant engineering but also in our good maintenance service and the future viability built into our lines and machines right from the start. All of this means that across the world not only are there many relatively new KHS machines in operation but also systems which have been up and running for several decades. And this, too, makes us proud.


Digital pioneer


Digital pioneer

Our aim is to ensure that our customers can exploit all the benefits of digital advance. Here, the digitalization of system solutions plays a major role – from 3D line design through IT systems for the production process to intelligent (remote) maintenance concepts. Many sections of our own (production) processes are now also digitalized and we work with cutting-edge procedures – whether in the manufacture of parts, in assembly or in the virtual commissioning of machines.


Sustainability champion


Sustainability champion

As an industrial company we have a great responsibility towards our environment. We therefore attach particular importance to the development of sustainable systems and solutions and to environmentally-friendly production. Many of our technologies are thus particularly kind to the climate – and gentle on the use of energy and raw materials.

Curious? Discover here how we do it.

Numerous certifications and awards also illustrate that our drive for greater sustainability is an established practice at KHS.
Would you like to learn more about our contribution to sustainability? You can read our sustainability report here.




Over 4,000 patents


Over 4,000 patents

At the moment KHS holds over 4,000 patents worldwide. And our employees are constantly developing new ones, for research and development are writ large at KHS. What is more, through our cooperation with external partners, such as various scientific institutes, we can knowledgeably drive new and further technological developments.


World-famous products


World-famous products

Almost everyone has held a product filled and packaged with the help of KHS machines in their hand at one time or another. For not only are we represented worldwide; we also have a broad customer portfolio that includes international brands such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Heineken and AB InBev. In addition, we work with many traditional German brands, among them Krombacher, Granini and Bitburger.

Watch a sample video of our collaboration with Coca-Cola here.


Flexible working hours


Flexible working hours

We believe it is important that our employees find a good balance between their working and private lives and their studies. This is why, depending on the field of work, we offer flexible working hours that are individually tailored to specific requirements.


Thesis supervision


Thesis supervision

We offer motivated students paid supervision of their degree thesis. In this program each student is assigned a fixed contact who provides them with constant support. We also regularly contribute to practice-based and research projects and cooperate with many universities and institutes of research to this end.


Responsible right from the start


Responsible right from the start

If you work for KHS, you not only gain a detailed insight into the company as a whole but also bear responsibility right from the start. Student trainees and apprentices therefore have the chance to help draw up concepts and develop and implement various strategies.





New employees at KHS go through a structured period of initiation such as our Fit4KHS onboarding program. Individual vocational adjustment plans are also drawn up.


Knowledge and study


Knowledge and study

At KHS we believe in lifelong learning. We thus find it important to support each and every employee as best we can. Many employees have embarked on their careers while studying at KHS. Furthermore, our in-house KHS campus academy provides a whole range of study options.


Extra benefits


Extra benefits

We provide various extra benefits to make work for our employees as pleasant as possible. These include, for instance:

  • Christmas bonus and vacation pay for regular tariff employees, staggered according to their years of service for the company
  • Canteens at all production sites (providing balanced, healthy meals)
  • Employee discounts (for example at local cycle stores).

We at KHS take our social responsibility as an employer seriously. We therefore take part in the cycle to work campaign, for instance, or organize donations at Christmas time.


International working environment


International working environment

KHS is active worldwide. We not only have production sites in Germany but also in the USA, China, India, Mexico and Brazil. Furthermore, we're right where our customers are. And that’s why we are represented by sales and service offices in over 40 countries around the globe. Accordingly, we are in daily contact with our international colleagues. Depending on their tasks and responsibilities and project involvement, KHS interns and student trainees can also take part in assignments outside Germany.


Safety and risk prevention


Safety and risk prevention

The safety of our employees is our top priority. This is why occupational health and safety measures are extremely important in our company.


Industry with a future


Industry with a future

KHS works in an industry that has a very bright future. Innovative filling and packaging systems are a steadily growing market when it comes to supplying an increasing world population. We also specifically invest in future-oriented issues such as sustainability and digitalization.

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Site Dortmund in brief





Average years of service with the company

18 years

Company premises

113,304 m2



Product portfolio

Bottle washers, Pasteurizers, Labelers and inspection technology, Conveyor technology

KHS GmbH Juchostr. 20 | 44143 Dortmund | Germany