
Portrait Jan-Lukas Göpel Pinatel - Career Opportunities for School Students at KHS

„Mechatronics engineer is a job with a future.“

Jan-Lukas Göpel Pinatel

trainee mechatronics engineer | Department: Production | Worms

How did you come to be training at KHS?

My brother works all over the world for KHS as a site manager. After listening to his stories and experiences, I decided early on that I wanted to do an apprenticeship at KHS. Luckily, I was able to do so! Before joining KHS I’d already completed a course of training as an electrician for energy technology and building services engineering. I realized, however, that I was also interested in other fields and that this wasn’t the job I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing. At the moment I’m thus training to be a mechatronics engineer at the production site in Worms and am in the third year of my course.

Why did training to become a mechatronics engineer appeal to you so much?

At school, my favorite subjects were mainly technology and metalwork besides sport. My parents also thought it a good idea that I go for a skilled manual job. With my qualification I can work in many different fields of industry. Mechatronics engineer is a job with a future: as there’s a lack of skilled workers in Germany at the moment, this type of profession will also be in demand in the future and offer very good job opportunities. At KHS you also have the chance to be sent out on assignments worldwide and get to know other countries and cultures. Among a number of other things, this is what makes this particular job at KHS so interesting for me.

“I’m particularly proud of the fact that I’m allowed to assemble machines independently during my training.”

What’s a typical working day like for you? What do you like about your work in particular?

At the moment I’m working in Production – or to be more precise, in Pre-assembly. In the morning we discuss which jobs are to be done that day with my colleagues and superiors, such as fitting a pallet stop to a bulk depalletizer or wiring terminal boxes. I can then perform these tasks on my own. What I like is the pleasant working atmosphere and clean environment. I’m particularly proud of the fact that I’m allowed to assemble machines independently during my training. I also find it great that every second bottle you hold in your hand every day has been processed on a KHS machine.

What’s next on the cards for you?

First, I’d like to end my course with a good final mark. After a certain initiation period, I’d then like to be assigned to customers within and outside Germany as a commissioning engineer, with the aim of becoming a site manager in a few years’ time. There are plenty of opportunities at KHS and I hope that I can continue my career here for a long time to come!

I’d also like to learn Spanish. Sure, English is the most important language to have when we’re with customers outside Germany but Spanish would sometimes also be helpful, because then I could also talk to customers and colleagues in Spanish-speaking countries in their mother tongue. Outside work, I’m also otherwise very interested in learning new languages.

This takes us to your hobbies. What do you do in your free time?

I do lots of sport and like climbing especially. I also like to spend lots of time outdoors. I like the scenery and quiet surroundings here near Worms. I also like traveling and often spend time with my friends and family.

Site Worms in brief





Average years of service with the company

19 years

Company premises

119,051 m2



Product portfolio


KHS GmbH Enzingerstrasse 139 | 67551 Worms | Germany