

In endeavoring to reach our objectives we find it important to act responsibly towards society and the environment in a way that ensures economic success.

Code of Conduct

Compliance with legal regulations and various requirements and provisos that govern our daily dealings with one another form a solid basis for trust and appreciation – both within our own company and in cooperation with our partners. Responsible action is the foundation upon which our successful and far-sighted business activities and the key pillars of the KHS Group are built.

Supplier Code of Conduct

We have defined clear specifications in our KHS code of conduct to ensure fair and honest treatment of one another both within the Group and in our conduct towards our business partners worldwide. What we expect of ourselves we also expect from our suppliers. This is regulated by our supplier code of conduct that is designed to not only satisfy the provisions of the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LkSG) but also to make sure that our values are adhered to and our expectations met within our supply chain.

Specifically, this means that we reinforce lawful conduct and ethical behavior, engage in fair competition, reject any form of corruption and observe internationally protected human rights and the guidelines associated with these.

UK Modern Slavery Act

As an internationally successful company we are guided by the following values: quality, customer orientation and innovative strength. In endeavoring to reach our goals it is important that we act responsibly towards society and the environment in order to ensure economic success.

Whistleblower system

We have set up a whistleblower system in order that we can react quickly and systematically to any possible violations. This allows internal and external interest groups and individuals to notify us first-hand of any legal violations, misconduct, infringements of human rights or environmental hazards that are directly or indirectly linked to our corporate activities.

Our whistleblower system is also a key component in ensuring the effectiveness of our compliance management system and guarantees that we assume our sense of responsibility throughout our entire value chain.

Our whistleblower system can be reached in English or German at our central email address compliance[at], our hotline on +49 231 569 1976 or by regular mail.

KHS GmbH – Compliance Management – Juchostr. 20 – 44143 Dortmund - Germany

Information about specific persons and incidents contained in all notifications is accessible to the compliance office and may later be made available internally to other personnel should they require it to process the case.

Questions often need to be asked regarding the information submitted. We would therefore appreciate it if whistleblowers could enable us to contact them. We would thus ask that all whistleblowers provide us with their contact details.

Compliance at the Salzgitter Group

Incidents can also be reported through our Group parent Salzgitter AG. You can find more information on this subject at the following link: Compliance | Salzgitter AG (

24/7 Service-HelpDesk

Help with faults or questions on the topic of spare parts?

+49 231 569 10000

Or write an e-mail to


Dr. Alexander Bach
KHS Group
Phone +49 231 569 1211
Mobile +49 151 140 380 81