Lightweighting: save materials and cut costs and emissions
Light, lighter, lightweighting: we are pioneers in lightweight systems for PET bottles. Half-liter bottles for carbonated soft drinks weighing just 9.9 grams are possible, for instance, with weights for still water bottles currently down to just seven grams (both including the thread but not a screw cap).
Good to know
KHS, formerly KHS Corpoplast GmbH, is a pioneer in the development of extremely light PET bottles; it also works successfully on systems that combine lightweighting with [r]PET. Therefore, not only can bottle material be saved in the long term but also resources – namely throughout the entire service life of the machine. All of this helps to reduce the carbon footprint during production.
Reference Silver Springs
For over forty years we have been working to constantly save on materials and thus reduce container weights. In doing so, we always pay attention to consumer demands in particular. You can opt for an optimized container or a completely new packaging concept; we would be happy to advise you and check the suitability of your filling and packaging system in advance.
Less weight and material mean that fewer new or recycled resources need to be used. In turn, this reduces the carbon footprint and cuts carbon emissions per item of packaging, especially if the containers are made of recyclate – for extremely light containers can also be made of recycled materials.

Also light on cost
Fewer materials also mean lower costs in the production process as fewer consumables are required in filling and packaging. As you then cut your carbon emissions in production, you also reduce the amount of CO2 tax payable in Germany since January, 2021, especially when you use [r]PET. Further tax regulations and levies are also planned, such as the CO2 border tax for imports of goods to the European Union; this tax is measured by the amount of CO2 generated during production. In other words, the lower the carbon emissions, the better.
Convincingly practical and sustainable
Extremely light PET bottles are also designed and tested for consumer convenience. They are safe, easy to transport and fit comfortably in the hand. This is not all that will have consumers convinced, however: you can specifically communicate your reduced consumption of resources to the consumer and thus attract an environmentally-aware clientele.