New InnoPET Blomax Series IV Generation of Stretch Blow Molders a Success Worldwide
Extensive catalog of advantages proves convincing
KHS Corpoplast reckoned on being successful with the new InnoPET Blomax Series IV generation of stretch blow molders – yet the extent of this success has been far greater than initially expected. For the year of the launch (2010), KHS Corpoplast planned to manufacture 50% of its stretch blow molders in the new Series IV. In the end, 75% were produced in this series. The main reason for this positive development was that the advantages the new Series IV stretch blow molders have over those in the previous Series III have convinced customers the world over. There was therefore usually no question as to which version was required: customers wanted the InnoPET Blomax Series IV. The new InnoPET Blomax Series IV generation of stretch blow molders and the leading technological features this incorporates, such as the flexible stretching system, blow stations with toggle lever locks, and a near infrared (NIR) heater, were ultimately what enabled KHS Corpoplast to run at almost full capacity in 2010. Another mark of success was the upturn in KHS' PET line business, in which KHS Corpoplast stretch blow molding technology has played an important role. KHS Corpoplast saw its market presence again increase thanks to the InnoPET Blomax Series IV, with demand from Asia, and particularly China and India, especially high in 2010. There were also high growth rates on the American continent, particularly in South America. Not only the soft drinks sector showed greater interest in the new generation of stretch blow molders; mineral water bottling companies and fruit juice manufacturers were also keen to try it out. The specific advantages of the InnoPET Blomax Series IV as opposed to the previous generation lie in the fact that it saves energy, is extremely flexible, and takes up less space. Regarding energy consumption, the new machine can notch up reductions of 25%, much of this ascribable to the newly developed heater. With it, preform heating times are just about halved compared to those needed by the Series III Blomax. This has been made possible by now preheating preforms using shortwave infrared radiation or near infrared (NIR). Shorter heating times also mean that the heater only takes up half of the space previously required for this purpose. Another aspect that reduces the amount of space needed to accommodate the new stretch blow molder is the optimized handling of preforms within the process. In place of the previous passive mandrel, an active mandrel now conveys the preforms extremely gently through the heating module, passing them on to the gripper systems responsible for placing the preforms in the blow stations with just as much care. Complex transfer systems are thus no longer necessary. The InnoPET Blomax Series IV also enables the utmost flexibility of production thanks to the fact that the stretching process in the blow stations is controlled by servo motors. The speed of the blow molder now perfectly adjusts itself to the specifications of the filling system. If the speed of the blow molder is reduced, for example if the size of bottle is switched from 0.5 liters to 2.0 liters, taking longer to fill, the stretching motion can still be carried out at the same rate as at the high machine speed despite the slower machine rotation speed. This ensures maximum process stability. As a consequence, preforms can be optimized down to the last tenth of a gram of PET material. In comparison with the previous system, where a greater amount of PET material was needed to maintain the necessary PET bottle quality, this not only results in increased production safety but also in a specific saving in PET. This feature is of tantamount importance on the KHS InnoPET BloFill stretch blow molder/filler monoblock, as it boosts the overall efficiency of the line. Frank Haesendonckx, CC manager and product manager for InnoPET Blomax stretch blow molders at KHS Corpoplast, says, "The reactions of our customers to the InnoPET Blomax Series IV and the innovations this entails have been extremely positive. In this context, the fact that the company where the first prototype of the new generation of stretch blow molders went into operation ordered a second InnoPET Blomax Series IV in 2010 has confirmed that we're on the right track." The InnoPET Blomax Series IV has an output of up to 72,000 PET bottles an hour and is strictly modular with its 4 to 36 blow stations. Each blow station produces up to 2,200 PET bottles an hour in a wide range of shapes and sizes, from bottles holding just 120 ml to the capacious 3.0-liter container. On request the InnoPET Blomax Series IV stretch blow molder can be easily monoblocked with all kinds of KHS PET filling systems.