
Press Releases

Results: 521

New KHS Innofill Glass Micro filler for small and medium-sized breweries and soft drinks companies

With the Innofill Glass Micro a new filler is being launched to market for small and medium-sized breweries and…

KHS provides new, platform-based labeling technology

With its new, modular platform for labeling technology KHS now has a whole range of benefits in store for the…

Satisfying The Strictest Hygiene Requirements

The wine, sparkling wine, and spirits sector profits from the new KHS Innofill Glass platform

Sabeco, Vietnam's most important brewery group, grows with KHS technology

Investment in ninth KHS turnkey canning line

Römerquelle invests in innovative technology, quality and sustainability

KHS Ultra Clean system is the "first milestone" in the centralization of production and logistics activities

Safe, Cost-Effective, And Sustainable – With Perfect PET Bottle Quality

Safe, Cost-Effective, And Sustainable – With Perfect PET Bottle Quality

Compact, Central, Reliable

Best cleaning results and great savings potentials with the latest KHS CIP system, the Innopro CIP C

New solutions for increased line availability

KHS implements CleanCycle CIP concept and accelerated product change

Even More Flexibility

The Carlsberg Group opts for standardized packaging technology

Sales Increase of 600% in Ten Years

Bad Knutwil mineral water bottling plant trusts in high product quality, customer and employee satisfaction, and…

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