Innocheck CFI closure check
Precise closure check for crown corks and metal caps

Good to know
A reliable and hygienic packaging of the product is a central aspect in beverage filling. The closure in particular plays a primary role in this. The KHS Innocheck CFI closure checker inspects your crown corks and metal caps through an angle of 360° for presence, correct seating - to prevent crown corks/metal caps that have been faultily applied - and any damage after sealing. In doing so, the inspection system makes high-resolution captures of your metal closures using a four-sided mirror system, evaluates them automatically and assesses them against the above-mentioned features. Regardless of whether crown corks or metal screw caps are involved, the Innocheck CFI provides conscientious assistance in checking the closure. The inspection system can check up to 72,000 of your closures per hour without difficulty.
Well thought out
With the Innocheck CFI you have various additional inspection functions. Everything is possible from the presence and color of the closure and the correct assignment to the product right down to the sealing label. Thanks to the clever optical design, every image taken by the system covers more than 90°. The resulting overlapping region ensures all-round detection and rules out "blind spots".
- Maximum product safety thanks to high-resolution 360° images
- Innovative software algorithms find even marginal quality deficiencies
- High number of checking options
- Benefit from simple maintenance thanks to protective cylinders
- Conserve resources thanks to long-life LEDs