KHS ClearLine HMI Operator Panel
Our innovative ClearLine HMI operator panel (Human Machine Interface) meets all of the requirements of modern and complex machine operation and aids your employees in gaining easy, role-based access to all KHS machines. Our tried and tested RFID access control enables the machine operator to easily log in at a machine simply by holding his/her ID card in front of the RFID antenna. This system automatically identifies the user, the user's role (e.g. machine operator, maintenance staff, administrator) and displays the data and menus relevant for the particular user.
An outstanding key advantage of the HMI is that the different graphical user interfaces of individual machines have been combined to form a uniform system for your entire production line. Machine operating using the intuitive and easily learnable ClearLine HMI increases not only the efficiency of your operation but the joy and motivation of your employees as well.
Both the ease of use and the appealing and innovative design of the interface make it compelling. This operator panel, developed in cooperation with Fraunhofer IAO - Institute for Industrial Engineering - has already been awarded the red dot: best of the best quality seal in the Interface Design category for its successful interaction of functionality and aesthetic effect.
Benefit from the many advantages of our ClearLine HMI:
- Smooth and efficient production operation
- Uniform operating of all machines throughout the plant
- Simple and intuitive thanks to ergonomic operator prompting
- Role-based authorization concept and minimized loss through operator access control
- Energy-saving hardware concept
"The new ClearLine HMI: We have simply simplified something complicated!"
Get in touch with us today and rely on tried and tested quality from KHS.
- Reibungsloser und effizienter Ablauf Ihrer Produktion
- Einheitliche Bedienung aller Maschinen im Betrieb
- Einfach und intuitiv durch ergonomische Menüführung
- Rollenbasiertes Berechtigungskonzept und Verlustminimierung durch die Zugangskontrolle der Bedienung
- Energiesparendes Hardwarekonzept
"Das neue ClearLine HMI: Wir haben einfach aus "Kompliziert" "Einfach" gemacht."!
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