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Displaying results 91 to 100 of 1188  

Innopack Kisters CD combiner/divider

High-performance pack combining and dividing system

Innoline GTR pack conveyor

Sophisticated logistics for non-returnable and returnable packaging

Innoline PTR pallet conveyor

It all stacks up - our reliable pallet conveyor for non-reusable and reusable pallets

Innocoll DP 1600

The product is a glue with a good adhesion towards glass, varnished surfaces and other difficult surfaces, e. g. PET. The adhesive is suitable for labelling glass containers and their lids to stick the security labels and Tax Bands (spirits) or for labelling varnished materials (cans). The product is also usable for applying paper labels on PET bottles even under extrem conditions.

Innocoll DP 8441

The product is suitable for labelling of plastic surfaces as PP, PE, PVC, PET, PS and metallic surfaces.

Innocoll DP 1525

The adhesive is suitable for labelling critical plastic surfaces (e.g. PET) in the beverage industry and has a good resistance to condensate water.

Innocoll DP 1523

The adhesive is suitable for labelling critical plastic surfaces (e.g. PET) in the beverage industry and has a good resistance to condensate water.

Innocoll DP 1513 PLUS

The product is suitable for applying labels to plastic containers (e. g. PET, PEN) and additonally for labelling of difficult coated glass surfaces.

Innocoll DP 1513

The product is suitable for applying labels to plastic containers (e. g. PET, PEN) and additonally for labelling of difficult coated glass surfaces.

Innocoll NP 2070 S

The product is suitable for applying paper labels to normal - and lightly - coated glass surfaces.

Displaying results 91 to 100 of 1188